
Tuesday 7 August 2012

The Liebster Blog Award

Becca from Pretty Little Peggy told me on twitter that she had nominated me for the Liebster Award! Thank you Becca!!

Liebster Award is an award given to small and up coming bloggers. I have been blogging less than a year and I do it because it is fun. The fact that people read my nonsense is a bonus ;)  This award is a great way of finding new blogs and meeting new people (well... online people!)

Liebster is German and it means sweetest, kindest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

Here are the rules for the award:
#1 Each persong must post eleven things about themselves
#2 Answer the eleven questions the tagger has sent for you
#3 Choose eleven people and tag the in the post
#4 Follow the tagger and visit at least three of the nominees goes..

11 facts about myslef...
#1 I work in my parents coffee shop but my main job is singing which I do all over the North West at the moment
#2 I am quartre chinese from my dads side. My grandad is from Hong Kong (although I never met him before he passed)
#3 When I was a kid I wanted to be a mechanic! Yehhh!
#4 Im a tad obsessed with penguins! Oh wait.. if you have seen my blog name you may realise this! (The cows comes from my boyfriend being besotted with cows! Weird couple 'ey!) 
#5 I usually only like girly chick flicks or comedies but I LOVED The Hunger Games. The books are amazing!
#6 I lived in Cyprus for 4 years singing.
#7 My brother once pulled my arm out of my socket! Yeh you wanted to know that didnt ya! :S I was about 5.
#8 I think about things way too much
#9 I dont drink...used to..dont anymore.
#10  I CAN NOT STAND TOMATOES! I hate the texture, the smell and if someone bites into one next to me I shiver!  its making me shiver just typing this. yukky yukky things!
#11 I have a phobia of being sick! 

My  11 questions are..

1. What hair product could you not live without?

L'oreal Studio Silk and Gloss Hot straight cream. Leaves me hair feeling SO soft.

2. Straight or Curled hair? 

I have naturally wavy hair but always end up wearing it straight.

 3.If you could only shop at one clothes store for the rest of your life what one would it be?


4. Heels or flats?

Flats all the way!

5. Prefer nights in or nights out?

Night in.. with lots of popcorn!

6.What was the last movie you saw?

Ted..was brilliant.

7. What is your favourite restaurant?
Thats a tough one. Its either Tai Pan in Liverpool or pizza express..I'll get back to you...

8.What is your current favourite song?
Maroon 5 - One More Night

9. Which celebrities style do you wish you could steal?

Lauren Conrad

10. What is your favourite make up brand?

High end ~ M.A.C. - High street ~ L'oreal

11. What is your favourire magazine?


My 11 questions for bloogers..

#1 What is one make up item you couldn't live without?
#2 Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
#3 Where do you want to travel to that you havent been to yet?
#4 What is your favourite animal?
#5 What is the most played song on your ipod?
#6 Do you prefer time alone or with friends and family?
#7 Most memorable childhood memory?
#8 Favourite movie?
#9 What would your last meal be?
#10 What olypic sport would you like to do if you could?
#11 Do you like penguins?! (say yes say yes!)

11 bloggers I nominate..

I hope you enjoyed getting to know me more! :) come say hi again soon!

Lauren x


  1. Awww, it's so sweet for you to have nominated me for this award. I have received it a couple of times before but I still find it heart warming that a fellow blogger thinks I'm worthy!!
    I loved reading your answers to the questions. We actually have a lot in common: I have wavy hair but wear it straight. LOVE Lauren Conrad's style (so pretty) and I also have a phobia of being sick!! (nice)
    Thanks for the Liebster you lovely lady!


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