
Monday 11 June 2012

DIY Father's Day Cards

I have been making cards for a few months now and selling them in our coffee shop and always do themed cards for different times of year. Christmas, Mothers day, Easter etc.
I was not so thrilled about doing fathers day cards simply because I had NO idea what to make. Men are too hard to make cards for I tell ya! All I could think of was hammers and cars! typical! So when the Martha Stewart team emailed me with a little fathers day card idea I thought they had read my mind. It is a cute design using origami to make a shirt which you can then stick onto your card. I thought I would share it with you so if you are wanting to make your Dad a nice hand-made card you could give this one a whirl.

Click HERE to go and check out the Martha Stewart tutorial.

I also had a look on YouTube to see if there was a video showing you how to make the shirts and I found one! yay.. for me it is easier to follow. You have got to love her accent!!

I've made a start on mine... What do you think??

Lauren x


  1. Aww we made these at Brownies the other year and the girls loved doing them. As did I, so much so that for a couple of months afterwards I made the shirts out of anything, including money to impress people haha x

    1. so going to be doing that too now! looks fiddly but its so easy! xx

  2. Aw this is great, damn.. Next year haha! :)

    Lucy x


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